Word Wall

What is a Word Wall you may ask? A Word Wall is a spot in the classroom which has a list of words. Teachers can set up the word wall in multiple different ways. Some common ways include alphabetically, sequential in appearance, and  prefix/suffix. The way I organized the Word Wall in my own classroom is in three different sections. 

 One of the sections is transition words. One of the things I have been really trying to get students to accomplish this year is adding in more transition words to help their writing flow easier. 

The second section is commonly misspelled or misused words such as they’re, there, and their. Students can use this section as reference for their writing and make sure they are choosing the right form of the word and it serves as a self-editing tool. 

The final section is content vocabulary based on what student’s are reading or writing about. In my last unit students were writing research papers on topics related to Ancient Egypt so I hung up vocabulary related to the topic. The great part of this section is it’s always changing. 

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